What does Virgin Media Essential Security do?

Essential Security is a built-in solution that works on all your devices. It looks out for dodgy websites and stops your devices from downloading anything malicious. By doing that, your family can surf to the max – safe in the knowledge that we’ve got your backs. The best bit? Because it’s built into your home WiFi network already, you get it at no extra cost and don’t have to lift a finger.

Send hackers packing

🔒 Essential Security protects you from viruses, and malicious content popping up when your guard is down. Plus, if it spots any nasties already on your device, it’ll quarantine them and stop them from sharing your data with anyone outside your home network.

Parental controls at your fingertips

🧡 Stop kids accessing stuff they shouldn’t by setting timers to block out harmful content during certain hours or choosing specific website categories to block altogether – including topics like drugs, crime and pornography. Learn more about our parental controls.

Built -in and ready to go

🤝 Our essential online security tools are available at no extra cost with all our broadband packages. If that wasn’t enough, Essential Security is also ready to go straight out of the box. Whatever devices are connected to your home WiFi network will be covered.

How to use Essential Security?

One of the best things about Essential Security is that it’s easy to use. The tools are already set up for you – all you need to do is to make sure it’s switched on by logging into My Virgin Media and going to Account Settings > Online Security.

From there, you’ll also have the option to switch on and off the settings you want. Want to customise your Essential Security to best suit you and your family’s needs? You can do that there too – including timers for certain content or blocking website categories entirely.

How to turn Essential Security on or off?

Essential Security is built-in and set up to work without you needing to do a thing. But you can opt to disable the tools if you want. Simply log into your My Virgin Media account and follow the steps as if you were adjusting your settings. Of course, you should bear in mind that Essential Security won’t be able to protect you from various nasties and dodgy websites if you do turn it off.

Essential Security FAQs

Yes – you can change your Essential Security settings using the Online Security option under Account Settings in My Virgin Media.

No – any changes to your Essential Security settings can only be made within My Virgin Media. This includes whether you decide to turn it off.

No – Essential Security is the new name for our Web Safe security solution. Advanced Security is the new name for Virgin Media Internet Security, which is an extra option. You can always choose to kick things up a notch by adding Advanced Security for £3 per month. With it, you get a load of premium features that’ll keep you safe – even if you’re not connected to our broadband network.

The main difference is that Essential Security protects all your devices connected to your router. Our Advanced Security anti-virus software, meanwhile, only protects the devices it’s installed on. For the best protection, we recommend using both.

Smart Security is the third addition to our choice of security products. It adds an extra layer to your connected devices – whether that’s a smart plug, TV, fridge or thermostat. By using Smart Security, you’re closing the door on hackers who might want to use them to access your WIFi network or nab your personal info.

How can Essential Security protect my kids from harmful content?

Essential Security lets you block sites that you consider unsuitable for your family or children. You can customise your settings by clicking on the Categories, Sites or Timer filters on your account.

From here, you can select the level of protection you need.

  1. Categories lets you block or allow additional site categories – such as gambling, weapons, alcohol and tobacco, social media and more.

  2. Sites lets you tell us which websites you want to allow as an exception to a blocked site category. You can also use this to block specific websites you feel are unsuitable.

  3. Timer puts you in control of when you want Essential Security to be active. Set the date and time you wish to deactivate. Any category or site restrictions will be temporarily suspended within that timeframe.
    To see a breakdown of the site categories, please visit [parental controls for internet use](https://www.virginmedia.com/broadband/parental-control).

If a website is blocked and you don’t think it can be, you can do something about it. You can add an exception to the additional categories via the whitelist or blocklist sections. But you cannot override sites that are blocked in default categories. Sites such as Child Line will fall into this category.

Is there a website you think to be safe but has been blocked by Essential Security? If this happens, an error page will show. It’ll let you know the site is being blocked as we think it may contain harmful or unsuitable content.

If you know this not to be the case, simply click on the ‘Let us know’ link and fill out the following form. This will then be sent to our team for review, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Our online security measures help give your family the digital freedom to explore, develop, progress and play online, within the boundaries you choose to set.

We understand the concern that can come from allowing your child to use the internet, which is why we put together some top tips for mums and dads. Browse the helpful resources we have available, including Switched on Families – an online platform and interactive guide to keep parents informed and confident about their choices for managing their home internet.