Terms and conditions
How we credit check
It's a two way thing... We cannot guarantee to supply you with service on the basis of this order. We are entitled to carry out a credit check on you at any time. We may search the files of credit reference agencies which may keep a record of that search. Details of how you conduct your account may also be disclosed to such agencies. The agencies will record details of the search, whether or not the application goes ahead. We may use credit-scoring methods to assess the application and to confirm your identity. We and other companies may use credit searches and other information, which is provided to us or the credit reference agencies (or both), about you (and those you are linked financially to) if credit decisions are made about you, or other members of your household. We will check your details with fraud detection agencies and if false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified, details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies. Law enforcement agencies may access and use this information. We and other organisations may also access and use this information to prevent fraud and money laundering, for example, when:- checking details on applications for credit and credit related or other facilities; managing credit and credit related accounts and facilities; recovering debt; checking details of proposals and claims for all types of insurance; checking details of job applicants and employees. We and other organisations may access and use from other countries the information recorded by fraud prevention agencies. Please contact the Virgin Media Group Compliance Officer at 500 Brook Drive, Reading, RG2 6UU if you want to receive details of the relevant fraud prevention agencies. You have a legal right to these details. Acceptance of online orders is subject to provision of valid bank account details to allow payment by Direct Debit. Please note that the bank account must be in the name of the account holder. The online booking discount is only available for orders completed online using the form below. The discount will be applied to your first bill. You agree to take each service (ie a phone, internet or TV service) for a minimum of 12 months. You give us the right to connect, maintain and remove our Equipment on your property. On acceptance of your order we will notify you by email to confirm the date and time of your installation. You will also be sent a full Welcome pack and contract by post that will detail our terms and conditions in full and which you must return to us signed by you. If at any time before or during the terms of this agreement you fail to meet our credit conditions, we may do the following:
Demand payment for future line rental and usage charges.
Enforce credit limits on you for any of our charges (to the extent we believe is reasonable in the circumstances) and suspend some or all of the services at any time when you reach the limits until we have received the full payment of any charges you owe us.
Demand a deposit from you.