5G home broadband: What is it and how does it work?
Learn how 5G home broadband brings superfast internet to your home using the latest mobile technology. Discover how it works, why it’s faster, and how it can transform your streaming, gaming, and browsing experience
By Virgin Media Edit
- Published
- 18 March 2025
What is 5G broadband?
5G is the fifth generation of mobile technology. It was first rolled out in the UK in 2019. That’s 16 years after 3G, which first transformed regular mobile phones into smartphones – and eight years after the fourth-generation technology, 4G, which brought even faster browsing speeds.
Now that 5G is here, it’s changing the mobile technology landscape in three distinct ways:
Improving speed: it’s typically 10 times faster than its predecessor
Reducing latency: it’s reduced the lag when communicating with networks
Boosting capacity: it’s supporting millions upon millions of internet-connected device
It’s the third change, capacity, that’s the big one here. Not only does 5G need to support the ever-growing number of devices currently in use, but it will also have to support future devices that don’t even exist yet. When mobile-enabled self-driving cars, delivery drones, and a whole network of interconnected devices become commonplace, it’s 5G that’s going to get them online and keep them there.
It’s estimated that there could be demand for 3.4 billion 5G mobile connections by 2026, so 5G technology will have a major responsibility to bear.
Why was 5G broadband created?
This growing need for capacity is exactly the reason why 5G was introduced. 4G is already showing signs of struggling. You might notice this in crowded places, such as busy train platforms at rush hour or large-scale events like concerts or football matches. Mobile speeds can drop considerably because the network simply can’t serve everyone all at once. That’s the challenge 5G has been designed to resolve.
Ofcom estimates that 5G could support one million devices per square kilometre. To put this in perspective, 4G technology can support less than half that amount: around 400,000 devices. 5G means that more people will be able to enjoy ultrafast internet speeds on mobile devices. That’s critical at a time when the number of connected devices is growing at such a substantial rate.
How does 5G broadband work?
5G works in much the same way as 4G. It even works on the same airwaves. The difference is in the radio frequencies that are utilised. While 4G works on frequencies of 700-2500 MHz, 5G works on a much higher 28 GHz frequency. This means it can transmit more data in less time, resulting in a much faster and more reliable internet connection than 4G can provide.
The only ‘downside’ to this higher frequency is that the 5G mobile signal cannot travel as far as the 4G signal currently does. That’s why new 5G masts have been popping up around the country. The more antennas, the greater the reach of 5G, and the more people can benefit from this 5th-generation technology.
What does 5G have to do with broadband?
If your connection is delivered through the existing copper cable network, fibre-optic cables, or Virgin Media’s coaxial cables, these are all wired connections that aren’t powered by mobile technologies.
However, some people do use wireless internet services delivered through mobile networks. They may use a wireless modem, or use their smartphone as a hotspot and connect their computers and tablets to their phone’s signal.
This is usually done when a wired broadband connection is unavailable. But with the widespread rollout of 5G, which is both faster and more reliable than the 4G network, there’s increased interest in using wireless connections as an alternative to wired home broadband rather than as a last resort.
Is 5G the same as satellite internet?
Satellite broadband works much like satellite TV – the signal is sent from satellites in space to a satellite dish connected to your router. This enables the router to wirelessly connect your devices.
5G works on a similar principle, but it’s not quite the same thing. The 5G signal comes from the UK’s ever-growing 5G infrastructure, rather than from space. However, these two non-traditional forms of broadband have the same goal: to connect more people, and more devices, to the internet.
What are the benefits of 5G broadband?
There are many benefits to 5G broadband at home, including:
5G can deliver ultrafast speeds that allow for fast downloads and high-quality streaming. If you stream TV and movies, download large files, or play video games, a high-speed connection is absolutely essential.
While 4G latency is typically somewhere between 30 and 70 milliseconds, it’s much lower with 5G: between 5 and 20 milliseconds . This means it's quicker for your devices to send and receive data.
5G home broadband is very much a ‘plug-and-play’ scenario. You simply plug in your 5G router, and that’s all there is to it. There’s no need to schedule an engineer visit or have any cables fitted.
A 5G connection doesn’t require a phone line. So if you’re keeping your old landline connection for the sake of accessing the internet, you can cut costs by getting rid of it if you switch to 5G.
How fast is 5G broadband?
While 4G can deliver speeds of up to 50Mbps, making it 20 times faster than 3G, the 5th generation technology is even speedier. Currently, 5G speeds vary between 130Mbps and 240Mbps . And these speeds may be even faster in the future as technology continues to evolve.
However, it’s important to remember that there are never any guarantees. 5G speeds are generally fast, but they can vary considerably due to several different factors. Speed can be affected by:
Your location
Your proximity to a 5G mast
The number of devices accessing data from the same mast
The type of online activities each connected device is carrying out
Is it worth switching to 5G home broadband?
Many people are wondering whether 5G home broadband will deliver faster speeds than their existing wired broadband. And that’s a difficult question to answer. It will largely depend on the speeds that you’re already seeing at home, and how close you are to a 5G mast.
In most cases, a coaxial or fibre connection is likely to bring more reliably fast speeds, while 5G may bring bursts of faster speeds. For reliability reasons, you may prefer to keep your coaxial or fibre connection, or upgrade to this type of broadband if it’s available in your area and suits your household usage. However, 5G home broadband could prove to be a powerful solution for those who do not have access to a fibre-to-the-cabinet or fibre-to-the-premises connection.
Will 5G replace WiFi?
It is unlikely that 5G will replace WiFi, as that’s not what it’s intended to achieve. WiFi has a number of benefits. It’s inexpensive to deploy, easy to maintain, and simple to scale. It already supports a huge number of connected devices, from computers and tablets to smartphones, TVs and more. And many homes and businesses will likely continue to use WiFi well into the future.
While 5G technology can be used for home broadband, that’s just a small part of what it does overall. This 5th generation technology will primarily be used for mobile connections, since it has a longer range than WiFi, and for large-scale operations such as smart cities.
How to get 5G broadband in your home
Getting 5G broadband into your home is easy. There are just three things you’ll need:
A 5G-enabled router which will work with a 5G SIM card
A 5G SIM from a mobile provider, if a SIM is not pre-installed in the router
A 5G broadband plan from your chosen mobile provider
However, there is one more critical thing you’ll need: to live in an area served by 5G
Is 5G widely available?
Ofcom estimates that 5G is available to 42-57% of UK premises. In comparison, 4G is available to 99%. You can use our 5G coverage checker tool to find out if you live in a 5G area.
If your household is one of the many that don’t currently have access to 5G, there are some alternatives that are worth considering.
How to get 5G broadband in your home
Getting 5G broadband into your home is easy. There are just three things you’ll need:
A 5G-enabled router which will work with a 5G SIM card
A 5G SIM from a mobile provider, if a SIM is not pre-installed in the router
A 5G broadband plan from your chosen mobile provider
However, there is one more critical thing you’ll need: to live in an area served by 5G
Alternatives to 5G home broadband
If you don’t live in a 5G area and are keen to try out the benefits of 5G broadband, don’t worry. While you may not be able to access a 5G signal, you can still enjoy a similar experience using other technologies.
If it’s the mobile aspect of 5G home broadband you’re interested in, consider trying 3G or 4G instead. All you’ll need is a wireless router or a dongle that plugs directly into your computer, along with a SIM card and a mobile broadband plan from your chosen provider. While speeds may not be quite as nippy as they are with 5G, this is a great way to experience mobile broadband and decide whether or not 5G home broadband could be right for you in the future.
If you’re eligible for fibre broadband in your area, you may find that Gigabit fibre broadband is a more suitable alternative to 5G, as it’s an ultrafast broadband which delivers download speeds of up to 1,130Mbps and is a good option for those in busier households, as 5G broadband may not be the best choice for smart homes or multiple devices.
Use our postcode checker to find out if you’re eligible for fibre broadband in your area.
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