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TV package deals

Start watching your favourite shows at home, online and on the go with a Virgin TV package. Explore our best TV packages and the channels you love.

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Here’s what you can get at your home

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All these broadband packages have 18 month contracts and no setup fee.


Check out quicker with Apple Pay or Google Pay

We’re the UK’s only major broadband provider to accept Apple Pay or Google Pay for easy and secure checkout!


What can I get with a Virgin TV package deal?

Broadband & TV

Always something great to watch on at least 200+ channels. Our TV deals can even have Sky Sports, Sky Cinema, kids’ TV and so much more included.

Broadband & flexible TV

Enjoy TV on a rolling 30-day contract. Flex offers 150+ essential channels, catch-up players and optional entertainment subscriptions that you can turn on and off every month.

Virgin TV Go

Access to our streaming service is included for up to five of your devices. Watch your TV or flexible TV package at home or on the go, anywhere you’re connected to the internet in the UK.

Priority from O2

Enjoy daily treats, unique experiences and more, just for being with us. We offer the UK’s only TV packages with all the rewards of Priority included, at no extra cost.

How to compare TV package deals

It’s easy to compare TV packages by genre. What do you like to watch?

Boost your TV package with Volt

You get to enjoy even bigger benefits when you’re with both Virgin Media and O2.

  • Bag a broadband speed boost to the next available level (up to 1Gbps)

  • Get double data for every eligible O2 Pay Monthly plan in your household

  • Kick back with a WiFi guarantee, plus up to three WiFi Pods if needed, on us

Boost your TV package with Volt

How to choose the best TV deal

A well-chosen TV package gives you a selection of your preferred channels and good value for money considering your budget. Here’s how to find our best TV package for you.

TV package FAQs

Virgin Media Store: Provided by Virgin Media Limited, registered in England with registration number 2591237. Our UK VAT number is 591 8190 14. Separate terms and conditions apply to the Virgin Media Store service. Purchases must be made on the website or set top box. Compatible device & browser required. Virgin TV subscription and our latest Virgin TV Box required to buy and watch via set top box – Store is not available on other boxes. View content on up to 5 registered devices. Max 2 devices can stream content simultaneously. Stream and download in UK only (or while temporarily in EU).


The legal stuff

No setup fee

This promotion means you won’t pay the usual setup fee of £35. No setup fee is available on all bundles, broadband & phone, and broadband only packages. If you can set up using a QuickStart self-install pack, but choose to use an engineer for the installation, you’ll still be charged £30 for this service.

These prices are for new customers only.

Virgin Media services are only available in eligible Virgin Media network areas. Virgin TV 360 and, for the time being, home phone are not available in new network expansion areas.

All of the products on this page are subject to survey, network capacity and a credit check.

Each service has a minimum contract length that’s shown in your basket.

If you take a bundle with both Virgin Media and O2, you’ll have separate contracts and bills – one for Virgin Media, and another for O2.

Priority is a service from O2 that current Virgin Media customers aged 16+ can also use.
  • Offers are subject to eligibility and availability.
  • Read the terms on the Priority app or at

Get fast, reliable WiFi gliding through every room or money back
WiFi Guarantee available with M50 broadband or faster. £8p/m extra or included with Gig1, Gig2 or Volt. At least 30Mbps download speeds in every room or £100 one-off credit. Up to 3 WiFi Pods if needed. Exclusions & legal stuff apply.

†To verify, see: Best Broadband Experience Award: GWS network award based on national tests Dec ’23-May ’24 comparing major UK providers’ average scores in respect of speed, reliability, latency, packet loss & video streaming. User speed depends on broadband package choice. Virgin Fibre areas only. Best Combined Connectivity Experience: based on GWS test results Dec '23-May '24 comparing data connectivity performance of major UK mobile operators and their associated ISP partners to form a combined score across both mobile network and WiFi experience. Best in Test: based on umlaut Fixed Broadband Benchmark 2023 comparing major UK ISPs on download speed, upload speed, latency and stability. Uswitch Most Popular Broadband Provider: based on Uswitch consumer research Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 conducted by Opinium comparing broadband sales volumes and overall customer satisfaction of major UK ISP operators, split equally to form a combined score.