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Improve your Virgin Media WiFi Signal

Looking to give your signal a boost at home? Here are some handy tips to get you back on track

Get the most from your Virgin Media WiFi

Wed 31st May 2024

If a weak WiFi signal has got you frustrated, help is at hand! Lots of things can affect the performance of your Virgin Media broadband, but moving your Hub – or router, as it’s also known – is a good place to start if you want to give your signal a bit of juice.

To make sure the WiFi signal is getting to where it needs to be, minimising interference is vital. For example…

  • Don’t keep your Hub in a cabinet, keep it out in the open so the signal is free to roam.

  • Move your Hub at least one metre away from objects such as televisions, wireless speakers and cordless phones. These devices have their own signals and can mess with your WiFi.

  • Keep your Hub upright, with the front lights facing into the room. This makes sure the signal goes outwards, rather than into the floor.

Want to know more? Watch the video below to find out how you can get the best WiFi signal from your Hub.

You can also improve your signal by running a WiFi scan on the Virgin Media Connect app to spot any dead zones where it runs below 30Mbps, and then ordering one or more of our signal-boosting WiFi Pods on the app or online to give better coverage and faster speeds all around your home.

Even better, if you’re with the Gig1 Fibre Broadband or Volt packages and you’ve signed up to our WiFi guarantee with WiFi Max, you’ll get up to three Pods at no extra cost. You can also add WiFi Max to our M125 to M500 Fibre Broadband packs (without Volt) for £8 a month with your first WiFi Pod provided automatically. Our WiFi guarantee with WiFi Max is our promise that you’ll enjoy download speeds of at least 30Mbps in every room or get £100 bill credit.