Sink your teeth into Army Of The Dead

18 May 2021
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With the zombies in Netflix’s new horror thriller unlike anything we’re used to seeing, we assess the smarts and speed of other undead baddies from TV and film

By Virgin TV Edit

Take an all-action zombie film, set it in Las Vegas, drop Man Of Steel’s Zach Snyder into the director’s seat, and what have you got? Netflix’s unmissable new movie Army Of The Dead.

With Sin City overrun by a swarm of the undead, a group of mercenaries led by Guardians Of The Galaxy’s Dave Bautista head into the danger zone to pull off a multimillion-dollar heist. Talk about a gamble.

Once they arrive in Vegas, this gang of would-be robbers must tackle zombies that are fast, smart and full of surprises in order to get the dosh. Yep, these aren’t your average flesh-chompers we’re talking about here. This lot – and there really are a lot of them – are advanced in ways we’ve not seen before.

Army Of The Dead sees director Zach Snyder return to the zombie genre following his remake of George A Romero’s classic Dawn Of The Dead in 2004 – and this highly anticipated release doesn’t disappoint when it comes to big, bombastic action.

With Army Of The Dead’s antagonists more intelligent than we’re used to seeing on screen, we’ve rated the smarts and speed of other zombies in movies and TV shows you can watch right now on Netflix…

When is Netflix’s Army Of The Dead on TV?

You can watch Army Of The Dead from Friday 21 May in Apps & Games > Netflix.

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